Welcome on Pierre's personal page 

Hey there! My name is Pierre and I'm a second-year PhD student at the University of Toulouse (France) and at the University of Ottawa (Canada). My field of research is Quantum Information Theory, from a math perspective, and I work under the joint supervision of Anne Broadbent, Ion Nechita and Clément Pellegrini, see details below.


Please, don't hesitate to send me a message if you have questions, thoughts, remarks or comments! ;)

My PhD Subject

Here are some keywords describing my subject:

The main question we work on is the following: are we sure that quantum theory is the most appropriate one to describe the world? To answer this question, we have a theoretical approach: consider the much more general theory of non-signalling correlation, and try to show that correlations that are not quantum seem “unfeasible” in Nature. To that end, we chose to study the principle of communication complexity (CC), because a collapse of CC is believed to be unachievable in Nature. In our articles, we present methods to show that some non-signalling correlations indeed collapse CC, and therefore seem unlikely to exist in Nature.

My Supervisors

My supervising team is composed of three complementary perspectives of Quantum Information Theory:
